Thursday, October 4, 2007

My Own Space, Now

All the class stuff is gone and it's just my blog now. I suppose I'll be talking mostly about the weight loss now, but I'll cover my job search, my kids and probably, occasionally my married life. Oh, and music. What I'm listening to, what albums I got recently. I collect vinyl and I'm working on recording it all digitally so I can put it on a flash drive and have whatever I need when I need it. Oh, I'm a substitute music teacher trying for the last three years to find the perfect job for me. I have to stay in my area because of my husband's job. But I love subbing here. The school system is great, the kids are great!

I told my youngest son, B, I was surprised at how good a mood I've been in for the last week. Every once in awhile everything is right in my world. It usually doesn't last this long.

This last week was the library book sale. We went the first night and bought books we wanted to keep - $85 worth! Then we went to Half Price Night and bought $28+ more. Then we went to $7 a bag night. We came home with $84 that time. But those were all for resale. We sold them for $285+. I love profit.

I work a half day tomorrow, unless this sore throat is worse, in which case, I will be drinking tea all day.

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