Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wow! So much to talk about

I said I was going to keep this blog going, but I haven't. Since I started this I have finished my Masters of Arts in Education (w00t) and have almost gotten my oldest son married (just 23 days left). I guess, like the song says Life Happens. But I should be beading the cathedral veil, so I won't be on here long.

The wedding is going along swimmingly. There have been some ups and downs. It's so hard for S with her mom in Texas, so I feel rather Arkansas - Mother of the Groom and Mother of the Bride. (No offense to Arkansas. Well, okay, a little.) I think we have everything set up now. And I've solved the whole green paraments thing. (Our new Pastor decided not to have the paraments changed to white for weddings. I'm fine with the choice. Our sanctuary isn't an entertainment venue and like he said "We use white at Easter and Christmas and I don't remember a wedding being a high holy day." Besides, the green matches the blue and yellow of the wedding quite well.) I bought blue and yellow gauzy fabric to match the wedding and we can drape the edges of the green with that. Add some flowers at the corners and we're golden.

Still no dress for the wedding. I have the shoes and I have the purse. I could just wear those and scare the heck out of everyone. Make a short evening of it. So much company coming and so many meals and events to prepare food for. At least I'm not making the reception food. I just want everything to be perfect for them. They are such great kids.

And still no full-time job. Will be subbing for another year. And working temporary part-time jobs in between. At least I love doing it. I would love my own full time 5th - 12th band job even better.

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