Saturday, August 23, 2008

Another Day, Another 5 Quart Bags

We must have 12 quart bags of peaches in the freezer. There are still peaches. We have taken peaches to work, to the pastor, to my parents, to neighbors and friends. I think they are more welcome than zucchini, but still. How many peaches can one little tree produce. Evidently multiple bushels. I'm still wondering what D and I will do when the other trees produce. As long as the peach tree does, I'll be happy.

The only other thing I have been doing is beading the cathedral veil. I'm almost to the second corner. I hope to have that done by tomorrow night. I've worked on it for one week now - I started last Sunday - and I'm doing well. There are three weeks until the wedding, so plenty of time to bead the other veils. They are way smaller!

I just watched the men's platform diving. Wow. I love watching people win that don't expect to. Matthew Mitcham was so floored. I really think that is the best part of watching the Games. Michael Phelps was good, but I think Mitcham was my favorite.

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